
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dreams Come True Cycling Taiwan

Candy Cranks has a pice about two Singaporeans cycling around Taiwan with some great observations:

Taiwan - very ‘long distance cycling’ friendly, i.e. if you are doing a round-island cycling trip or if you are like us, cycling around the world carrying panniers on your bicycles, you will be greeted by strangers zooming past in their cars, scooters who would shout out from across the road to you: “Jia You!” which means “Gambateh!” We made many friends just by carrying our panniers around. Once, a couple stopped their car in the middle of the road whilst we were cycling along the road to tell us our seats are too low. They even showed us there and then how which seat position will make cycling more energy efficient. So, in Taiwan, we never felt alone when we are cycling.

A group of Taiwanese students get used for propaganda cycling in "mainland China" as they cycle to Tibet.

Mark Choo's cycling site in Chinese. He has some good route planning info and other details.