
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Taichung... You Asked For It!: 谷關—大雪山纜車,新社—大坑 Popular Cycling Routes Threatened By Mayor Hu's Tourism Plan

Dear Taichung Cyclists,

You asked for it and you got it!

In the wake of last weekend's election in which you chose to re-elect Mayor Jason Hu to another term, the mayor has outlined his top priorities for the New Taichung region.

If you guessed the mayor would focus on bread and butter issues like public welfare... you're wrong.

Mayor Hu issued a statement declaring his top priority for his third term will be to construct a cable car system that will run from Dakeng to Gu Guan in an effort to attract more tourists.

How does this impact us as cyclists?

Part of the plan will call for widening the roads and developing the popular cycling areas around Dakeng, where recreational cyclists from around the area can find a little respite from the traffic and chaos that often makes cycling more accessible locations a total nightmare. We will be forced to endure tour busses and the problems they create. Currently, this little oasis of nature provides a getaway from the city... until the city comes to Dakeng.

The plan does not stop there. The plan is set to include other popular cycling routes in Da Xue Shan and Gu Guan. Both areas currently provide relatively safe and less trafficked areas where cyclists can climb and descend while enjoying the natural beauty of Taiwan's great outdoors. The beautiful vistas and panoramas will be interrupted with cable.

I implore you all to write to your new city council members to express your concerns and request that they deny the mayor funding for this reckless project that will result in even more environmental degradation.

There are not many natural places near the city to cycle through and enjoy. Don't let the mayor steal another one from us to enrich his construction cronies.

You get what you vote for.


Taiwan In Cycles


If the mayor had lived in Taichung during the 921 earthquake he may have thought twice about planting anything into those mountains.

Policy Details HERE

Contact DPP city councilor 王岳彬. He has apparently been a major proponent of this project as well.

Second Grader Bikes Around Taiwan!!!

Wow! Above is a screen capture from the write up in Chinese of a Taiwanese second grade student's adventure cycling around Taiwan. Incredible. The full version can be seen here. Click on the Photo button to see his photo expose. What an inspiration!


Here is a little more in English.