
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday on the Route 130 in Miaoli

Joe and Michael Near Summit

Although I was feeling tired from my Saturday ride, I thought it would be a good idea to really make the legs work this weekend and take a casual yet demanding ride up the Route 130 in Miaoli.

I was happy to meet up with Michael Turton and Joe Lee for a day of cruising the roads between Taichung and the Sanyi area of southern Miaoli County. I have been meaning to ride with Joe for a good long while as he is such a great athlete. Unfortunately, he has been working through sports related injuries as vexing as mine. It was good to have him along.

This is a route I have done numerous times, but I never get tired of it. I also wanted to do more climbing.

Cycling For All Ages

We coasted out to Juolan at Taichung's northernmost edge and then flew along the Highway 3 to the Route 130 turn off not far past the Liyu Reservoir.

That is not the race director's car

The climb opens with a steep set of curves and then mellows... only just a little. My legs felt better than they had in weeks. Joe, Michael ad myself pushed our way up through the orchards and jungle.

Joe at the posing place

The views from the road were just spectacularly clear.

Red Plum Slushee

We stopped at the Mile High Cafe for a little refreshment and a chat with the charming wait staff.


All too soon it was time to continue the climb.

Michael puts the hammer down

The clouds on the horizon spelled trouble, so we made quick work of the rest of the hill and flew down the other side... a sensation that could only be described as "grounded flight."

Joe gets another view


As we neared the Longtan Broken Bridge, it was clear the rain would soon be upon us. And just as I had predicted, the rains hit at about 2:00pm. It wasn't too bad and came in waves.

We fought our way back against wind and rain into Fengyuan and Taichung. By the time I reached the Taichung city limits, the heavens opened up in a torrent that would have made my shower-head jealous. I was completely soaked, so I soldiered on home in the fiercest downpour I have ridded through in a good long while.

Just before arriving at my front gate, the clouds opened to let beams of white sunlight through and call off the showers. Ahhhh... Taiwanese summers!

Ominous Warnings