
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Janet Hsieh Wants You To Go East

If Janet of Fun Taiwan wants you to ride the East Coast, you better just do it.

From the CNA:
Cyclists visiting eastern Taiwan to get certificates

02/18/2011 (CNA)

The Tourism Bureau said Friday that it will hold a series of events on the country's east coast to promote eco-friendly traveling and community awareness by presenting certificates to those who visit the area by bicycle.

The campaign will kick off March 26 with two biking tours of 100 km and 200 km, respectively. The routes, starting from Taitung County's Jialulan Recreation Area famous for its driftwood art, the bureau said, will allow cyclists to visit scenic spots such as Sansiantai and the Basian Caves.

Other events to be held April 30, May 14, 21 and 28 will feature travel on Green Island, which lies off the Taitung County coast. The bureau will also hand out certificates to participants who visit the island with their bicycles.

Janet Hsieh, ambassador of the campaign and presenter of Discovery Channel's "Fun Taiwan" program, said the tours appeal to her as they offer both mountain and ocean scenery at the same time "without too much physical exertion."

"It's like you've gone to an island paradise," she said. "And if you think about it, Taiwan is an island and Taitung is a paradise."