
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Random Bike Stuff

June 15, 2011: The Race Across AMerica (RAAM) kicks off for another grueling ride. Sadly, this year's race will be ridden without Jure Robic, the Slovene RAAM record holder and certified baddass, who died in an accident last year. Maybe I'll have to heal up and do a tribute to one of my cycling heroes.


Here is a beautifully shot, if at the risk of sounding full of itself, documentary about mountain bikes and downhill riding. Some of the photography is absolutely amazing.


Seven was nice enough to make the Axiom SL their featured product, and they include a lot of information about the bike and how it compares to other models. Here


RBR has a thread on a new Salsa Casseroll build. Purdy bike.