
Monday, January 2, 2012

Notes For A New Year: Here Comes 2012

I have to admit, as far as cycling is concerned, 2011 was a bit of a mixed bag. I achieved several of my riding goals. I rode the Wuling Challenge, I redeemed myself in the Tour of Changhua, I climbed Alishan and returned in a day. I purchased my dream bike, wrote a few posts, did some rides with some good people, and I became a dad.

I never rode from Taichung to Kenting in a day like I had planned. My Salsa Las Cruces broke prematurely and I was stuck sitting on the couch for a couple months without a bike and recovering from an overuse injury.

For 2012 I have some great posts lined up. I have a few rides planned and I hope to continue to be a good dad.

I realized I don't suck as bad as I thought, so I really need to work more on training, stretching, strength training and staying healthy. As I take a few weeks off with another overuse injury, I really need to resolve this problem to be healthy all year.

I hope to put in as many races as I can. I also hope to tour a few places that have piqued my interest. I hope to get back into form as soon as possible to beat it down to Kenting in half a day and tick that off my list.

I hope to see you all out on the road soon.

Good luck and safe riding in 2012!