
Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Three Day Weekend!!!

Bikes and Beer

Time to break out the beer and enjoy a long weekend with friends, family and Flanders.

The Tour of Flanders is this weekend and Paris-Roubaix next weekend, so the cobbles are calling. My heart is with the Spring classics. They are just brutal in length and ride conditions. There is something "macho" and "masculine" about the Classics; two adjectives that rarely make their way into discussions about cycling. Racers must often battle wet weather, slippery and uneven cobbled roads as well as each other. With equipment getting stupid light these days the chance for catastrophic failure is even more pronounced. This year we even have His Royal Highness Lance Armstrong jumping knee deep in the shit and joining the scrum. LA is often regarded as a princess of the sport for concentrating on only the Tour de France, unlike iron men like Eddy Merckx who fought to win them all; even breaking bones in the process.

Velonews has a great write up of what to expect.
As for myself, I hope to get a windy century ride in to test out the top section of my Hell of the East ride to Kaohsiung on the 24th. I would like to test pace, nutrition and route quality. Afterward I would really like to enjoy a good beer. I just don't drink enough anymore. It messes with my riding too much.

I hope everyone has a safe and productive weekend of friends and cycling.

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