
Friday, April 2, 2010

Seattle in Cycles

Here is a video I slapped together a while back of my cousin riding Seattle's mean streets.

I am already devising my summer plans and I know they involve Seattle.
This summer I will take a hiatus from my Taiwan cycling to take the show on the road. I will be doing a few weeks in Seattle for family matters and then off to Palm Desert for provisions and a visit with dad. Needless to say, there will be plenty of cycling this time around. I am not taking my bike, but I have bikes to borrow as my cousin, featured in the video above, is a dedicated cyclist. I am not excited about American drivers, who seem to be oblivious to smaller vehicles. In Taiwan the driving is chaotic, but there is an awareness that there may be small vehicles buzzing around. In the US... not so much. I am also concerned about laws. I have heard of people getting ticked for passing cars at stop lights and other crazy stuff. I dunno.

Anyway, if anyone will be in the Seattle or Palm Desert areas during July and August, I would love the chance to ride with you.