
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taiwan International Bikeman Rally 2011: Dajia Mazu Loop

I wasn't riding today to give my leg more time to heal, but I did get on the scooter to follow the Bikeman Rally as it passed through my area. The event was open to all riders for an NT200 fee, and followed an 80km route from Dajia, looping through Taichung City and back to Dajia to kick off the upcoming Dajia Mazu celebration, which has become less about religion in recent years and focusing more on tourism activities.

It was nice to see riders off all shapes, sizes and degree of skill together sharing the road for a friendly ride. A pair of support vehicles followed the riders carrying statuettes of the goddess Mazu to make for an interesting spectacle.

Though, I must admit, I could not help but feel the pangs of jealously as hundreds of bikes passed my house on a beautiful, sunny Saturday... and I was not on a bike.


The members of the Japanese Tour of Taiwan team have volunteered their earnings from the Taiwan race to help support victims of the multiple disasters that have swept Japan over the recent weeks.


  1. I saw them going through Houli. It was great.

  2. I remember you had a post where you guys did a climb to somewhere near 11000ft in altitude, and I can't seem to locate that page. See if you can give me a hand.


    Cross Island Highway. The high point along the road is 10,744ft and there are a couple side trails that can take you up to 11,000ft.

    Great ride!

  4. There were a number of cyclists riding in the vicinity of Jhong-jheng Park in Fengyuan on Saturday afternoon, with many of them stopped at a nearby temple, where some tables had been set up outside. Were they part of the rally? And if they were, could you remind some of your cycling friends to use hand signals (or some other form on turn indication) before suddenly cutting across in front of my car in order to make a left turn? Thanks... :-)

  5. What's wrong with a little international sign language. They'll get it.

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
