
Monday, March 26, 2012

Seven Is More Than Just A Number: Seven Resolute SLX

About this time last year I made the bold, and somewhat unexpected purchase of a new Seven Axiom SL. As with I have experienced with a few fine products, the sticker shock wears off when the value is revealed.

The circuit between the rider and the bicycle, when properly achieved, is a balance that has the potential to produce an array of emotional power that can be nothing short of religious.

I learned that one way to find this balance was through a custom build. For me, Seven Cyclescould best provide what I was looking for and they delivered in spades. From the customizing sheet to the interview, the process pinpointed how I imagined my ride and Seven then used the quantifiable and qualifiable metrics I provided to fabricate a frame that would be the bees knees of bicycles.
Several weeks ago I received a message from Dom, one of my regular riding buddies. He had decided to go with Seven for his new bike.

Although Seven built its reputation in titanium, the company also has depth in custom steel and carbon fiber fabrication.

Dom has a soft spot in his heart for classic steel, and Seven offers the Resolute as their dedicated steel frame.

One of the real great things about Seven's process, is that they are not bound to any one set of tubing. Seven can use any type of steel from True Temper, Reynolds, Columbus or anything else, if it is the best match for the rider. They custom butt the tubing using an external butting technique to produce their Origin line of tube sets.
Dom went to New York to visit family, and after consulting with the Seven dealer from Bicycle Planet, he felt confident enough to fill in his Custom Fit Sheet with the numbers he wanted to help Seven sculpt a bike around Dom's own taste for steel, and for the type of riding Dom likes to do.

When I first saw Dom roll up on his new ride, the first thing that struck me were the seat stays... or rather the lack of seat stays.

Titanium has about twice the elasticity of steel, and therefore, titanium tubing must be thicker or have increased diameters to reach the same level of stiffness.

For Seven's Resolute, the spaghetti-thin S-bend stays are the pinnacle of frame craft. They are elegant, functional and downright gorgeous. The rear triangle achieves a mesmerizing sense of design that is a little more understated than my thicker titanium stays.

After looking the bike over for a few minutes... and after my sense of euphoria had abated somewhat... I was struck by the nearly invisible welds joining the tubing together.

My titanium Seven has some of the finest TIG welding I have ever seen on titanium. The welds are a source of pride as welds are the mark of quality on a titanium frame.

For the Resolute, there was almost no indication of welding what-so-ever. I have seen finely joined steel tubing before, but this looked painstakingly intricate.

With any steel frame, Seven includes a paint job in the purchase price. You can go with a custom paint option or choose from a catalogue of stock designs.

Dom went for a metallic black with white highlights.

It was an excellent choice. The metal flakes add depth to the black and the contrasting white really pops. It really has a classic look about it while showcasing Seven's philosophy on design.

For the group set, Dom decided to splurge a little bit for the Campagnolo Chorus 11spd group. Although Campy is known to be pricy, Chorus delivers the same function as its pricier stablemates, with just a minor weight penalty. This makes Chorus one of the best values on the market. It is both snappy and ergonomic. Campagnolo has the best hood shape by far among the big three (Shimano, SRAM and Campagnolo).

I happen to be a big fan of Campy's use of the thumb tab. I find it easier to shift gears from any part of the bars. I have shorter fingers, so it is great for reaching over, under or to just extend a pinky out to shift gears.

Dom ended up choosing the Compact crank (50/34) matched with a 12-27 tooth rear cassette to better tackle Taiwan's hilly terrain. There are days I wish I had done the same.

Seven prescribed a fork with 42mm of rake to provide a ride on just the agile side of neutral in combination with the 73 degree HTA. Most stock designs use a cheaper "one fork fits all" approach that can result in a bike that is either too twitchy or too sluggish for the rider. Stocking only one fork saves money, but it results in a bike with less than ideal handling.

For the rest of the build, Dom made the smart choice of putting his budget where it counts, and went with a selection of FSA seat post, bars and stem. The narrower bars should help Dom stay a little more aerodynamic and not act as a giant wind sock against those awful Taiwanese headwinds.

The wheels are Gipiemme Techno 1.55 wheels.

For tires Dom went with the Maxxis Detonators; an unfortunate name for supposedly bomb-proof wheels.

I took a few minutes to ride Dom's new Seven. Although it is too big for me, I could only describe it as a light, creamy icing. It seems to float without feeling squishy. Each pedal stroke, no matter how gentle, pushed the bike forward with little effort.

The tautness of steel was an ever-present sensation, very unlike titanium. It felt like a very refined version of the Speedone I tested. It had a lot more liveliness than I was expecting. It almost mandates smiles from the saddle.

Dom seemed bemused by the sensation of riding a new bike like this one. He looked perfectly at home on the bike as we ate the afternoon miles. We pushed out into another headwind, the soreness of the pocketbook and the eight weeks of waiting had completely blown away and the soreness in the legs had yet to appear.

That is the thing about a Seven. You can get off after a long ride feeling fresh in the right places.

I am happy for Dom in that he can now enjoy riding the bike he wants to ride. I am also happy to share the Seven experience with a friend.

Now, I just hope I can entice Dom to join me for a couple races this season.

If you are thinking about buying a new bike, I would encourage you to consider the longer term and keep Seven in mind. They give a whole new meaning to enjoying the ride.


  1. 精彩的分析,雖然看很久才瞭解,但真的很棒!


  2. 分析的很精彩,雖然看很久才一目了然,但真的是很棒的解析!


  3. Another great review of a Seven. Nice to have you compare the SLX steel against the titanium.
    I just switched out my standard double on my Seven Alaris for a 50/34 along with replacing the standard bars with compact FSA Omegas which gives me great reach of the levers in the drops. Now if I just had the Chorus group! Maybe on that next Seven. Keep the reviews coming. Thanks for an enjoyable read. Jim Duncan

  4. Thanks!

    I would love to spend more time on a steel Seven. I just remembered that I should do some maintenance on the Chorus. It has been quite reliable over the past year and I forget to check chain wear and the like.

    As I am totally satisfied with my seven, I now just think of other build options just for fun. To dream.

  5. Just re-reading the reviews. Nice work. After about 600 miles on the bike and a set of fulcrum racing zeros, the bike really handling like a dream, it is a worthy investment. I just want to ride it all I can!

  6. It is hard to believe and easy to eschew if you are not riding one. But when you are riding one... yo totally understand why they are a premium brand.
