The First purpose of Bike for Taiwan this year is to support the normalization of Japan – Taiwan relations. Furthermore we support the creation of a Japanese version of the “US Taiwan Relations Act”. The Taiwan side will be composed of the a Taiwanese cycling team taking it to the streets petitioning the Japanese people support stronger friendship and to push for the normalization of relations between the two nations.The cycling team members will be introduced on Valentines day, February 14th at new Taipei 101 (exact location to be announced) at Lin iHong’s office along with announcements of activities and schedules. For the next two weeks the cycling team will bike all over Japan spreading the message of peace and friendship.
Secondly, we hope that this act would result in closer Japan – Taiwan ties and the eventual normalization of relations considering the long peaceful historical and geopolitical ties.
Third, we also hope to bring it to the attention of the Ma administration. The Ma Administrations’ “Flexible Diplomacy” strategy entails flexibly kow-towing China’s demands but seems designed to neglect relations with other nations, thus placing Taiwan’s democratic future solely in China’s hands. We believe actual flexible diplomacy should entail developing relations with everyone especially our neighbors, not just the Chinese government, giving Taiwan the most options for it’s future.
Chen Shaoting 0935-211012 (If calling from abroad please dial 011-886-935-211-012)
Support and join the ride for Taiwan by buying a commemorative T-shirt.
We need your support, get a special long-sleeved sw
So far the amount fundraised is not enough to cover the entire 14 day trip.
Order the Bike for Taiwan commemorative T-shirt
1) Single commemorative T-shirt is 1,500 NT + 70 NT, available in four sizes; XL, L, M, S.
2) Transfer money to E. Sun Bank, Zhongshan Branch (Branch Code 808), 0417-968-036-281) made out to the Lin party.
3) Transfer by remittance account and fax it to 02-2758-6285 as a check, also e-mail limithong@gmail.com
4) Please email or fax your full name, phone number, shipping address, and appropriate delivery time.
5) We’ll send out the t-shirts as soon as we get them.
You can follow their progress on Facebook
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