Taiwan's GIO goes all out to host cycling and travel writers to promote Taiwan cycling. This time they are paying for the cyclist, writer and blogger, Mark Blacknell, to cycle Taiwan's East Coast.
Blacknell is currently soliciting advice and I hope some readers here will stop by his site and offer up some alternative plans. The GIO has a very political agenda and they are very good at mucking up a good junket so the writer doesn't get to see what they really should be seeing.
- LOHAS and riding in Taiwan.
- Nathan Miller finally posts his Central Cross Island adventure.
- Bicycle Diplomacy? Taipei Riders from the TBLA (Taiwan Bike Leisure Association.. and nothing to do with Transgendered, Bisexuals or Lesbians like I had originally assumed) visit Tokyo and extend goodwill amid the troubling Senkaku "crisis".
I see what you did there :)